LOU® Schedule Mobile App
LOU® Empowers The People Standing in front of Your Customers: Your Service Techs.
Finish more jobs per day, whether you’re online or offline.
No Internet Connection?
No Problem.
Keep jobs moving, even when in remote locations
Sync up job information and pictures when you’re back online
Keep moving to job 2, 3, 4, etc. even when offline
Start Tech’s Day with a Quick Rundown
- Task Dashboard shows % complete for yesterday/today and what’s pending for tomorrow
- Task List displays in Priority or Optimized Route Order
- Task List displays task type, customer address and estimated time to complete

Get Work Done without Missing a Beat!
- Message customers - “On my way”, “Arriving” and “Departed”
- Start the clock with the task check-in/check-out timer
- Capture before & after job site pictures for the order
- Complete checklists, Water tests, add SKU’s to Order
- Quickly enter Customer and Dispatcher notes via voice to text