You have worked hard to grow your pool and hot tub business to where it is today.
It's not something to take for granted. You've grown from leveraging the goodwill of existing customers to managing the service team workflow.
Let's take a look at 6 key elements needed right now to keep your invaluable momentum building!
1. Referrals from Existing Customers
Your existing customers are your best source of referrals for new business. So how do you get great referrals? They come from providing excellent service across the customer's entire buying experience. Over time, you get to know your customers. Now, where are you storing this critically important information? If it's not being stored in a centralized customer database then you are missing some key information you need.
When you notify your customers with details on their pool installation or hot tub repair, or when their service tech has arrived, and you provide them the details on their completed job, and an itemized bill ........ it all adds up to a great referral!
2. New Customers
How do you find new customers, build great relationships with them, and keep your existing customers happy?
As an example, you need to keep in touch with that couple who came in and purchased a few canisters of chemicals. This level of relationship-building can be the difference between a one-off visit and a lifelong customer. Tracking data is the key to building and retaining new customers, and keeping existing customers happy. By tracking data you learn who your new customers are and what they've purchased. It's key to building your customer database that helps you stay in touch.
3. Awesome Customer Service
It’s all about creating a seamless experience from showroom to on-site at the customer’s home...... that’s what creates the right impression. Make sure it’s a good one—it’s what they'll tell others about!
When you track your customers from lead and sale to follow-up care and maintenance, that's a significant boost to business growth. An integrated cloud system easily collects and keeps track of your customer's preferences and buying histories across retail, service, and inventory. That tracked information is available for all customer-facing employees to access in real time.
Are you still using paper estimates and billing? Moving away from pen and paper to a fully automated system is how you can track high-quality customer data. The right software in your business can make all the difference and you will see customer service vastly improve.
4. Track Inventory across Multiple Locations
Strong inventory management is needed for pool and hot tub business growth. Tracking inventory can get out of hand even with just one warehouse and a separate retail location, when you're not using the right inventory tools. Using a system that integrates your inventory management takes out the guesswork for stock on hand, stock location, and stock ready for fulfilling customer orders.
A cloud-based system tracks SKUs from warehouse to service van in real time, nothing gets lost. You know which SKUs are available and which have been attached to an existing order, there is no chance for you to over-promise and under-deliver. When you manage your inventory this way, you can quickly see if you have what is needed to fix the customer's problem.
5. Automated Route Planning
Automated route planning takes the guesswork out of where your team will be and when they will be there. You're planning the smartest routes, assigning the best techs (matched to the right jobs), and tracking all the route miles driven. Using automated routing eliminates customers waiting around for your service crew.....and this continues to elevate your customer care.
6. A System that Manages It All
When you manage all aspects of the business seamlessly, pool and hot tub business growth takes place. Use the right tools to manage your relationships with existing customers, find new customers, and provide exceptional customer service.
If you are managing sales, service, and inventory with multiple platforms and programs, you are not optimizing growth. A robust integrated system provides all the information you need to run and grow your your fingertips!
Evosus helps pool service companies grow by giving them the visibility they need across multiple locations and between the retail and service sides of business.
Find out how Evosus can help you gain the level of visibility needed to scale your business. Reach out and contact us today!