The phone won't stop ringing, emails keep flooding in, the service techs are running off their feet, and next week's schedule is already booked solid.
That all seems like a nice problem to have......but it's still a problem.
Naturally, every pool and hot tub business wants to be busy. After all, if you've got that many customers asking for your services, you must be doing something right.
How you manage these hectic periods will determine whether your business merely survives the storm ....... or comes out of it bigger and stronger than ever.
Let's look at the top pool service management tips that will make your life much easier.
1) Use Intelligent Software to Plan More Efficient Routes
If you're trying to schedule and complete as many service jobs as possible, know that you're wasting valuable time and energy if you're still planning routes manually.
Look, it's 2020—we've got software that can do all those dull, time-consuming jobs, leaving us free to get on with the more important work.
With specialized routing software, you can instantly create the most efficient service plans for your team and view a complete overview of the schedule on Google Maps.
You can also update your routes in real time, meaning that your service techs no longer need to head back to the office to collect new work orders. Once the call comes through, you can create a new job and send the details directly to the nearest technician.
Once you start using software to plan your routes, you'll forget all about the old pen-and-paper system. You'll be able to complete more jobs every day simply by making better use of your time.
Did we mention that you'll also save a load of money on fuel?
2) Need the Best Tech for the Job? Use Smart Scheduling
To keep everything running smoothly, you need to ensure that you're putting the best tech on every job.
Just like not every pool is the same, the members of your service team also have different skills or specialize in particular types of work.
With smart scheduling, you can assign each job based on the work required and the skills of the technician.
By using software to customize your operations, your servicing will run smoothly, you'll have happy customers, and you'll be able to get more done with the time you have.
3) Automated Alerts Can Deliver Incredible Customer Service
If you haven't already embraced automation in your customer service, then you have no idea how much time and effort it could be saving you.
One of the biggest complaints that customers have with service industries is that they often feel left out of the loop.
If your customers aren't feeling the love, they'll find it somewhere else.
Automated field service software is the perfect way to keep your customers up to date because it can send out automatic alerts to notify them when service techs are en route, about to arrive, and departing from the property.
To take things a step further, you can also use “digital door hangers,” which deliver professional, automatic emails with details about completed service calls and a summary of the work done. Automation not only helps you provide far more impressive customer service, but it also reduces the volume of phone calls and emails from clients seeking information.
While each notification may seem small, they can collectively have a significant impact on your client satisfaction, not to mention that you'll get more repeat business and more referrals.
4) Send Completed Work Details and Alerts
You're struggling to keep on top of managing pool service demand and you can't afford to have service techs leaving the site without finishing the whole job.
Once you start using the right software, your service techs have the tools they need to complete every work order right then and there. They can receive new job information, complete the work, close work orders, and send door hangers to customers ......all before they've even loaded up the van!
Your customers will start to wonder why every business doesn't do it this way.
When your service schedule is booked out for days or even weeks in advance, every single minute counts. By equipping your service team with the latest software, you'll have the extra capacity to take on more customers—and grow your business.
Bonus Tip! Manage Your Inventory the Right Way: Using Smart Data
Industry veterans know first-hand that if you're not managing your stock correctly, things get really messy, really fast.
When you're already working overtime to keep your head above water, inventory problems are the last things you need.
So, if you're committed to effectively managing pool service demand, you need to be able to see what's in stock, where it is, and accurate pricing.
We have a solution for that too.
With our cutting-edge inventory management software, your field techs have the information they need, when they need it. They can see real-time stock availability, the location(s) of the inventory, and the most up-to-date pricing.
If they need an item, they can see it, locate it, and order it!
No more delays, no more shrinking margins, and no more disappointed customers.
You can even set seasonal minimum and maximum levels to enhance your cash flow and take the guesswork out of managing your stock.
If you run a pool and hot tub business, you know that inventory is not exciting, and we get that. But at least with the right management system in place, it's one less thing you need to worry about.
Are You Ready to Get Busy?
Summer is approaching fast, which means that pool and hot tub season will soon be in full swing.
Your business needs to be ready for this high-demand period, and having the right tools will be the difference between your business surviving or thriving.
If you're ready to make 2020 a record year, we're here to work with you.
At Evosus, we create systems that help pool and hot tub business owners (like you!) do more with the time they have. We design software that can manage your route planning, service scheduling, and inventory management.
Like to find out more about dominating the pool game? We invite you to explore the Evosus software packages or get in touch with one of our team to discuss a customized solution.
Once you've got the right systems in place, everything changes for the better.
In the future, you'll no longer dread those peak demand periods—you'll look forward to meeting them head-on.
Evosus helps pool and hot tub service managers streamline their field team operations by giving them and their teams the visibility of data and personnel to efficiently make the most of field tech time, get more jobs done in less time, leave customers raving about excellent customer experiences, and more.
To find out how Evosus can help you streamline your field team operations, cut down on windshield time, and give you better visibility of your tech on-site times, contact us today!