The Ultimate ERP Blog | LOU® - Powered By Evosus

Manage Inventory With Simple Pool Store Software | LOU

Written by Dan McManus | Apr 12, 2021 2:00:00 PM

Let’s talk INVENTORY! Whether you run one pool store or ten, a retail store or e-com — inventory takes a lot of your time. It takes away from those other critical tasks needed to build and grow your business. But keeping on top of your inventory is necessary … oh, so necessary.

Enter, Stage Right: LOU® — powered by Evosus.

Things are Clearer in the Cloud

Most inventory systems don’t provide the level of insight you need to maintain an aerial view of your entire stock. Maybe you don’t have an item in one store, but how about the warehouse? Or your secondary retail location across town? LOU allows you instant visibility into your entire inventory across multiple locations. 

Your service team in the field, your retail associates, even your office staff working remotely … product locations are easily found by everyone. 

LOU is cloud business software, which means it can be accessed anywhere. It goes where your people do. 

Real-Time is Real Convenient

In pool stores, the rush of customers comes in waves. There are busy times, slow times, and “Holy cow are there this many people in the whole town?” times. 

When it gets busy, LOU gets you through the rush! When your staff can quickly and easily view inventory, they’re able to process orders more efficiently. 

For example, when your chlorine tabs sell out in your store uptown, your manager can instantly tell if your downtown warehouse or your across-town location has extra available to send over. Not only does inventory availability across your entire business help you get what your customers need — when they need it — it also provides you optimal insight into ordering.  

Regulate, and optimize, your inventory at specific locations and during specific times of the year.  Doing this helps manage your inventory and maximize your store’s profits by minimizing overstocked or lost inventory. With instant access, whether at your desk, in the store, or out in the field, LOU streamlines your inventory management across the board.

RevoLOUtionize Manual Inventory Management Systems — With LOU 

Pool and hot tub retail and service businesses have unique inventory needs. Let’s look at just a few! 

With the inventory shortages the industry is currently experiencing, we know you’d take delivery on any pool or hot tub you could get. But typically, you keep a limited supply of large items, like hot tubs, swim spa,s and above-ground pools.

You may even be able to name off-hand, on any given day, how many you have in stock. 

It’s the myriad of other products and parts that gets tricky: chemicals, filters, pool toys,  accessories, replacement parts, automatic cleaners … a manual inventory system complicates keeping track of all of those items!

LOU knows. 

Are you ready for an inventory management system that’s as sharply designed as the pools you build and as high-tech as the high-end (with all the bells and whistles) luxury hot tubs you sell?

Say hello to LOU! Our cloud-based software will revoLOUtionize your pool store inventory management. 

Why is LOU for YOU?

  • Accuracy - Managing inventory is easier than you’ve ever experienced. You’ll have a bird’s eye view of where every product is located at all times (even in work vehicles). Say goodbye to inaccurate inventory counts!
  • Accessibility - ERP software that goes where your team goes is powerful. When someone uses parts in the field, your inventory system is instantly updated. Plus, you can view your inventory from anywhere … at home, out in the field, in your office, and even while you’re traveling.
  • Adaptable - LOU fits your business. Whether you have a single store or multiple stores across the region, our cloud business inventory management system fits the bill! 
  • Intuitive - You won’t need a crash course in software or need to learn a complicated inventory system. LOU is easy to navigate. You’ll quickly locate just what you need every time!
  • Lightning Fast Point-of-Sale - From ringing up a single pool toy or bottle of Oxidizer with the UPC scanner to entering products by SKU or name, our POS system is fast to operate and easy to learn. Retail POS and the inventory system are both available in the same place. So your sales associate doesn’t need to contact your inventory manager to locate a product … they see instantly if it’s in the warehouse.

Simplify inventory. Simplify growing a retail and service business.

Check out this video to see LOU’s inventory management system in action for yourself. Then, join one of our weekly live demos to learn more!